677 research outputs found

    Poecilostomatoid Copepods Parasitic in Bivalve Mollusks of Taiwan

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    Three species of poecilostomatoid copepods parasitic in bivalve mollusks of Taiwan were described. They are: Ostrincola simi/is sp. nov. from the cultured oyster, Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg), and green mussel, Perna viridis (Linnaeus), attached to this species of oyster; Myicola formosanus sp. nov. from the circular clam, Cyclina sinensis (Gmelin); and Anthessius mytilicolus Reddiah, 1966 from the green mussels attached to the cultured C. gigas. This is the first report of parasitic copepods from the bivalve mollusks of Taiwan

    IBDV particles packaged with only segment A dsRNA

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    AbstractMulti-segmented dsRNA viruses have been suggested to utilize cis-acting elements in the plus-strand RNA to accomplish genomic RNA assortment during viral packaging. It is not clear if bi-segmented dsRNA birnavirus uses the same strategy. By applying a reverse genetic technique, we generated IBDV particles packaged with only segment A by co-transfection DF-1 cells of cDNA from segment A and VP1 (without 5′ and 3′ noncoding region of segment B) supporting random assortment mechanism and indicating the packaging elements of segment B include sequences in the 5′ and 3′ NCR. However, gfp-containing IBDV could not be generated in the presence of gfp cDNA constructs flanked by 5′ and 3′ NCR from segment A or segment B. The data suggest additional packaging signals are required for IBDV genomic packaging. The presence of VP1 protein in the IBDV-A particles also suggests the formation of ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complexes might be involved in the assembly of viral particles

    Airflow in a Multiscale Subject-Specific Breathing Human Lung Model

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    The airflow in a subject-specific breathing human lung is simulated with a multiscale computational fluid dynamics (CFD) lung model. The three-dimensional (3D) airway geometry beginning from the mouth to about 7 generations of airways is reconstructed from the multi-detector row computed tomography (MDCT) image at the total lung capacity (TLC). Along with the segmented lobe surfaces, we can build an anatomically-consistent one-dimensional (1D) airway tree spanning over more than 20 generations down to the terminal bronchioles, which is specific to the CT resolved airways and lobes (J Biomech 43(11): 2159-2163, 2010). We then register two lung images at TLC and the functional residual capacity (FRC) to specify subject-specific CFD flow boundary conditions and deform the airway surface mesh for a breathing lung simulation (J Comput Phys 244:168-192, 2013). The 1D airway tree bridges the 3D CT-resolved airways and the registration-derived regional ventilation in the lung parenchyma, thus a multiscale model. Large eddy simulation (LES) is applied to simulate airflow in a breathing lung (Phys Fluids 21:101901, 2009). In this fluid dynamics video, we present the distributions of velocity, pressure, vortical structure, and wall shear stress in a breathing lung model of a normal human subject with a tidal volume of 500 ml and a period of 4.8 s. On exhalation, air streams from child branches merge in the parent branch, inducing oscillatory jets and elongated vortical tubes. On inhalation, the glottal constriction induces turbulent laryngeal jet. The sites where high wall shear stress tends to occur on the airway surface are identified for future investigation of mechanotransduction.Comment: This submission is part of the APS DFD Gallery of Fluid Motio

    A Perfect Match Condition for Point-Set Matching Problems Using the Optimal Mass Transport Approach

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    We study the performance of optimal mass transport--based methods applied to point-set matching problems. The present study, which is based on the L2 mass transport cost, states that perfect matches always occur when the product of the point-set cardinality and the norm of the curl of the nonrigid deformation field does not exceed some constant. This analytic result is justified by a numerical study of matching two sets of pulmonary vascular tree branch points whose displacement is caused by the lung volume changes in the same human subject. The nearly perfect match performance verifies the effectiveness of this mass transport--based approach.Read More: http://epubs.siam.org/doi/abs/10.1137/12086443

    Effects of Ox-LDL on Macrophages NAD(P)H Autofluorescence Changes by Two-photon Microscopy

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    Ox-LDL uptakes by macrophage play a critical role in the happening of atherosclerosis. Because of its low damage on observed cells and better signal-to- background ratio, two-photon excitation fluorescence microscopy is used to observe NAD(P)H autofluorescence of macrophage under difference cultured conditions- bare cover glass, coated with fibronectin or poly-D-lysine. The results show that the optimal condition is fibronectin coated surface, on which, macrophages profile can be clearly identified on NAD(P)H autofluorescence images collected by two-photon microscopy. Moreover, different morphology and intensities of autofluorescence under different conditions were observed as well. In the future, effects of ox-LDL on macrophages will be investigated by purposed system to research etiology of atherosclerosis.Comment: Submitted on behalf of TIMA Editions (http://irevues.inist.fr/tima-editions

    Anatomical Asymmetry in Goiter: A Demonstration by Three-dimensional Power Doppler Ultrasound

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    The aim of the present study was to examine the anatomical differences in volumetric and intraparenchymal vascular parameters between the two thyroid lobes of patients with goiter, using three-dimensional power Doppler ultrasound. A total of 89 outpatients with goiter, including 55 with autoimmune thyroid disease (ATD) and 34 with simple goiter (SG), were evaluated by three-dimensional power Doppler ultrasound. Volumetric and intraparenchymal vascular indices including vascularization index, flow index and vascular flow index of each lobe were measured using the Virtual Organ Computer-Aided Analysis system. In all patients with goiter, the volume and vascular indices (vascularization index, flow index and vascular flow index) of the right thyroid lobe were significantly greater than those of the left lobe (p < 0.05). Differences in vascular indices were present in SG but not in ATD. ATD was associated with a larger thyroid volume and higher vascular indices compared with those of SG (p < 0.001), but there were no significant differences in volumetry and vascular indices between euthyroid ATD and SG. In conclusion, the right thyroid lobe was found to be significantly larger and more vascular than the left lobe in subjects with goiter, as measured by three-dimensional power Doppler ultrasound. In addition, ATD was associated with a higher thyroid volume and vascular indices compared with those of SG

    Changes in Immunological and Hematological Parameters of Female Residents Exposed to Volatile Organic Compounds in the City of Kaohsiung, Taiwan

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    The objective of this study was to assess the effects, if any, of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the ambient air of Kaohsiuug, Taiwan, on certain hematological and immunological parameters of 153 female study participants. The major source of VOCs was vehicle emissions. The participants were selected from three areas, each area at a different distance from a freeway. Results indicated that total concentrations of VOCs and a subgroup of 25 VOCs (VOC25.) ranged from 250 to 335 ppb and 89 to 113 ppb, respectively. The distribution of VOC concentrations did not correlate with distance from the freeway. The participants living in the area with higher VOC concentrations had significantly higher abnormalities of white blood cells (WBC) and hemoglobin (Hb). In addition, IgG and IgA counts were significantly lower for the participants in the area with higher VOCs than for participants in the area with lower VOCs. This finding indicates that VOCs in ambient air may suppress immunological variables

    CT-based lung motion differences in patients with usual interstitial pneumonia and nonspecific interstitial pneumonia

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    We applied quantitative CT image matching to assess the degree of motion in the idiopathic ILD such as usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP) and nonspecific interstitial pneumonia (NSIP). Twenty-one normal subjects and 42 idiopathic ILD (31 UIP and 11 NSIP) patients were retrospectively included. Inspiratory and expiratory CT images, reviewed by two experienced radiologists, were used to compute displacement vectors at local lung regions matched by image registration. Normalized three-dimensional and two-dimensional (dorsal-basal) displacements were computed at a sub-acinar scale. Displacements, volume changes, and tissue fractions in the whole lung and the lobes were compared between normal, UIP, and NSIP subjects. The dorsal-basal displacement in lower lobes was smaller in UIP patients than in NSIP or normal subjects (p = 0.03, p = 0.04). UIP and NSIP were not differentiated by volume changes in the whole lung or upper and lower lobes (p = 0.53, p = 0.12, p = 0.97), whereas the lower lobe air volume change was smaller in both UIP and NSIP than normal subjects (p = 0.02, p = 0.001). Regional expiratory tissue fractions and displacements showed positive correlations in normal and UIP subjects but not in NSIP subjects. In summary, lung motionography quantified by image registration-based lower lobe dorsal-basal displacement may be used to assess the degree of motion, reflecting limited motion due to fibrosis in the ILD such as UIP and NSIP

    Endotoxin and CD14 in the progression of biliary atresia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Biliary atresia (BA) is a typical cholestatic neonatal disease, characterized by obliteration of intra- and/or extra-hepatic bile ducts. However, the mechanisms contributing to the pathogenesis of BA remain uncertain. Because of decreased bile flow, infectious complications and damaging endotoxemia occur frequently in patients with BA. The aim of this study was to investigate endotoxin levels in patients with BA and the relation of these levels with the expression of the endotoxin receptor, CD14.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The plasma levels of endotoxin and soluble CD14 were measured with a pyrochrome Limulus amebocyte lysate assay and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in patients with early-stage BA when they received the Kasai procedure (KP), in patients who were jaundice-free post-KP and followed-up at the outpatient department, in patients with late-stage BA when they received liver transplantation, and in patients with choledochal cysts. The correlation of CD14 expression with endotoxin levels in rats following common bile duct ligation was investigated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The results demonstrated a significantly higher hepatic CD14 mRNA and soluble CD14 plasma levels in patients with early-stage BA relative to those with late-stage BA. However, plasma endotoxin levels were significantly higher in both the early and late stages of BA relative to controls. In rat model, the results demonstrated that both endotoxin and CD14 levels were significantly increased in liver tissues of rats following bile duct ligation.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The significant increase in plasma endotoxin and soluble CD14 levels during BA implies a possible involvement of endotoxin stimulated CD14 production by hepatocytes in the early stage of BA for removal of endotoxin; whereas, endotoxin signaling likely induced liver injury and impaired soluble CD14 synthesis in the late stages of BA.</p

    Frajunolides L–O, Four New 8-Hydroxybriarane Diterpenoids from the Gorgonian Junceella fragilis

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    Four new 8-hydroxybriarane diterpenoids, frajunolides L–O (1–4), were isolated from the Taiwanese gorgonian Junceella fragilis. The structures of compounds 1–4 were elucidated based on spectroscopic analysis, especially 2D NMR (1H-1H COSY, HSQC, HMBC and NOESY) and HRMS. Compounds 1 and 4 showed weak anti-inflammatory activity as tested by superoxide anion generation and elastase release by human neutrophil in response to fMLP/CB. Compound 3 showed selective inhibition on elastase release in vitro